Christmas Break Checklist

This checklist is for fun, it is not something that you have to do, but I do encourage you to do as many of these things that you can. Have fun and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

q Start exploring different countries for your World's Fair pick!!!!!  You will be part of a team and will research a country and act like a travel agent as you try to sell a trip to that country to your parents!  We will begin it in January!

q Test your US States memory - play a States Review game or this one that we have used several times...I have more games under my "Student Sites and Resources" under the USA section!

q Eat at an ethnic restaurant

q Talk to someone from another country (make sure you are with a parent) - if you get a chance find out where they are from, why they came here, and any questions that you are curious about (language, family, what they miss most, what do they like best about being here, what was the climate like where they are from, etc.)

q Sit on a bench in a busy area (mall, grocery store, etc.) and observe for a period of time: listen - do you hear any languages other than English? - style - describe the different styles that you see in clothing/accessories/hairdos...things that are "American" and things that are "foreign"

q Say "HI" - while in a checkout line (with your parents) talk with the worker and find out how their day is going...make small talk and make sure to say thanks/wish them a great day (you never know when a small conversation/warm smile will make someone's gives them something to think about)

q Try eating with chopsticks

q TV - do you see any cultural traits (traditions, clothing, language, etc.) in TV shows/movies

q Newspaper - are there any stories about things/people around the world (find them on a map)?

o   Keep track of the temperature of an international city

q Watch the News – What are the big stories about, can you find the places on a map?

q Good Deed - do something completely unexpected and nice for someone - shovel their sidewalk, bake cookies and deliver it to someone

q Check out my website if you are bored...

q Make sure you tell your family how much you love them and how special they are

q Write a hand letter or note to someone

q Randomly: - start singing - start laughing - start talking in a made up language - it is fun, trust me

q Play a game with your family

q Write down several goals that you have for yourself (short term and long term), keep them secret or share them with someone

q Make up a game and play it with others

q Start learning a new language à go to the Siouxland library’s website (you can use Mango Languages for free if you have a local library card)

q Write a story and include an adventure in a foreign land

q Help make/plan a meal

q Check out Santa on NORAD…follow his path around the world Christmas Eve ( 

q Christmas Around the World